ISO 50001 – The key to energy efficiency
ISO 50001 – Energy Management System
Energy efficiency is a key element of sustainability, combining environmental aspects with the need to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. As environmental awareness increases, companies are increasingly focused on optimising energy consumption. ISO 14001 covers a wide range of environmental issues, while ISO 50001 focuses solely on energy efficiency. This article takes a closer look at the ISO 50001 standard and the benefits it can bring to companies seeking sustainability through better energy management.
The Energy Management System (EMS) enables the effective management of energy at a more systemic level, regardless of its source. It is a standard that, like ISO 14001, is based on the PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) cycle, meaning that organisations implementing this system are committed to continuous improvement via action planning, implementation, control and correction. Additionally, it has been structured according to HLS (High Level Structure), which facilitates integration with other management systems.
ISO 50001 can be implemented in a variety of organisations, regardless of their size or focus. However, the greatest benefits are achieved by companies with high energy consumption that are required to comply with GHG emission reduction requirements.
Benefits of implementing ISO 50001
- Improved energy efficiency – this standard requires a detailed analysis of energy use in a company. It identifies the areas with the highest energy consumption and those with potential for improvement. Consequently, energy consumption can be reduced and operating costs lowered.
- Reduction of GHG emissions – efficient energy management leads to reduced GHG emissions.
- Energy security – systematic monitoring, identification and minimisation of risks associated with the energy supplier makes the company less vulnerable to power failures and fluctuations. The ISO 5001 standard enables a mapping of the emergency procedure, which ensures operational continuity.
- Increased competitiveness – being certified demonstrates a company’s commitment to effective energy management. This can also help to attract new contractors who care about sustainability issues, plus investors for whom it is an important factor in choosing a business partner.
- Exemption from the obligation to conduct company energy audits – some legislation (e.g. the European Parliament and Council Directive 2023/1791 on energy efficiency) imposes energy efficiency obligations on companies. Companies with high energy consumption should perform annual energy audits. However, having an ISO 50001-certified Energy Management System can exempt a company from this obligation.
Implementing the ISO 50001
Stage I: Implementing the standard within the organisation
- Preliminary analysis – reviewing the organisation’s current energy management documentation. Identifying procedures and practices to be included in an ISO 50001 compliant energy management system.
- Appointing an Energy Management System Officer – appointing a person responsible for overseeing the implementation of the standard and coordinating energy efficiency activities.
- Energy audit – conducting an internal energy audit to assess compliance with the documentation and identify areas for improvement.
Stage II: Certification
- Preliminary audit – the organisation conducts an internal audit to assess compliance with the standard. It verifies that all requirements are met and that any non-conformities are corrected before the certification audit.
- Certification audits – the relevant certification bodies audit compliance with the standard. Surveillance audits must be conducted after 12 and 24 months to ensure continuous process optimisation. After 36 months, a recertification audit is conducted to confirm ongoing compliance with the standard.
The ISO 50001 standard is the foundation for effective energy management in companies. It offers significant benefits for the environment, operational efficiency and market position. Implementing this standard requires careful planning, detailed analysis and team engagement at every level of an organisation. While the process can be demanding, it brings significant benefits, such as achieving strategic business goals and promoting sustainability. Implementing the ISO 50001 is a strategic step towards increasing energy efficiency and strengthening the company’s market position, whilst also helping to protect the planet.
Greeners specialists have extensive experience in developing and implementing the ISO 50001 standard to help reduce an organisation’s operating costs and carbon footprint. We help companies to identify areas of high energy consumption and implement monitoring systems to improve energy efficiency. We also help with ESG reporting, increasing your company’s credibility in the eyes of investors. Contact us to find out how our team can help your organisation achieve its energy efficiency goals.
April 29, 2024
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