Funding opportunities for infrastructure and hydrogen vehicles
Hydrogen is the subject of much discussion and research into its use as an emission-free energy source.
Numerous initiatives are underway in the European Union (EU) and other regions of the world to develop hydrogen infrastructure and technologies for its production, storage and use in various sectors of the economy. Efforts to exploit hydrogen’s potential as part of a sustainable energy transition and modernisation, mainly of the industrial and transport sectors, are also noticeable in Poland. Global economic and political strategies, which assume carbon neutrality by 2050, identify hydrogen as an integral part of the rapid transition to clean energy.
The EU’s hydrogen technology development strategy is primarily based on two key documents: the Fit for 55 Package and the REPowerEU Plan. These two documents are intended as a suite of measures to achieve the EU’s climate goals. However, their detailed assumptions and approaches may differ depending on their main scope and objectives and the assumed volume of hydrogen consumption (Figure 1).
Figure 1. Assumed hydrogen consumption under the RePowerEU and Fit for 55 targets in the EU by 2030.
Source: European Commission (2022): Implementing the REPower EU Action Plan: Investment Needs, Hydrogen Accelerator and Achieving Bio-Methane Targets
The strategies of individual EU countries also emphasise the need to implement a strategic approach to hydrogen development. 18 EU countries have adopted a hydrogen strategy or action plan. They identify a number of key initiatives needed to accelerate the energy transition. The focus is primarily on hydrogen production from renewable energy sources (RES) in various industries, including, most notably, transport. Currently, transport is envisaged to be one of the key sectors of the economy for hydrogen use. This industry is promoted by all countries except Finland in their strategy documents. However, as technology develops in the near future, this trend may change and other industries may become strategic.
The Polish hydrogen strategy seeks to promote hydrogen use across the whole transport sector. This includes supporting innovation and international cooperation, the production and use of passenger vehicles, heavy and long-range vehicles, railways, buses and aircraft, and the expansion of refuelling infrastructure.
At the hydrogen market’s current stage of development, many projects require funding. Funding opportunities are available at both a national and regional level in the 2021–2027 operational programmes.
The National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management is currently preparing competition documentation for a priority programme called Hydrogenisation of the Economy. A significant part of the budget will be allocated to supporting technologies for the construction, implementation and commercialisation of innovative hydrogen-powered transport units. Priority funding will be given to investments to reduce the consumption of emission fuels in transport by supporting the purchase or leasing of zero-emission vehicles. The budget for this programme objective is PLN 1 billion. The target group is entrepreneurs, who can apply for a subsidy to purchase a vehicle or, as regards vehicle leasing, a subsidy to the initial payment. The programme will be available until 2029. Another funding possibility is support for developing loading infrastructure for zero-emission trucks located along the routes of the TEN-T core network, logistic centres and intermodal terminals. The budget for the programme’s objective is PLN 2 billion.
Greeners can help you to apply for such financial support, including by helping you to prepare the necessary documentation and to acquire project partners. We look forward to hearing from you.
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